Line Series

Handmade quality in industrial production: The Rheon lines offer efficient production of high quality products.

Complete dough dividing and weighing lines by Rheon for mid-sized and industrial manufactures of bread and other dough products feature the most advanced technology for forming and portioning like the Gravimetric® Method. Our patented V4 Stress Free system® protects the dough from any damage.

This is just a sample of our Lines. 
Feel free to contact us for your individual modular based Production Line.

Lines for Bread and Rolls

Universal Baguette Line

Designed for Baguette with an open structure and delicious taste.

SR6- Cup Rounder Line

Designed for round rolls with a compact proofing room.

Universal Bread Line

Designed for any type of Bread, round, loaf, pin shaped or molded.

Ciabatta Line – Coming Soon

Our latest innovation is a multi purpose Line. Especially designed to meet your needs and wishes.


VX222 Twin Divider Line

Our Twin Divider VX222 is not only usable as a Stand-alone machine. I can be integrated in a space saving multi purpose Line. 


Even though the main application are square rolls, the VX122 can also be used for bread or other products.

Pastry Production Lines

V4 Pastry Line

Full automatization from start to finish for your pastry production. 

HM Line

Automated forming for a big range of individual pastry products.

AD Line – Coming Soon

The line that combines the V4 series with the Cornucopia series.

Other Lines

KN Variety Line

Combine the different Options for our Cornucopia Series.

Pizza Production Line

High quality Pizza with a tasteful crust on the rim.

Rheon Customer Consulting

Book a free consulting appointment with a Rheon customer agent.

Well-matched creativity

Encrusting Machines

Advanced technology for encrusting of bread, confectionary and savory foods.

From dough sheet to bread

V4 Stress Free Dividers

Stress Free® dough sheet formers with weighing, cut and feedback systems – our “from dough sheet to bread” system makes bread production stress free.

Endless possibilities

Optional Devices

Complementary equipment for dough sheet processing units and lines.